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Teddy Bear Toddlers Mess Bib


 Teddy Bear Toddlers Mess Bib

Toddlers body bib contains the mess! Ages 1-2 years. Double snapped at the top and elastic at ankles to keep everything in place.

When they are ready to eat with their own spoon and fork all by themselves- things tend to get messy for awhile, as they learn to hit the target! No worries about a mess or ruining clothes with Julie's practical Mess Bib.

 Made from beautiful quality cotton and comfy to wear. Machine wash- yeah!.

About Julie

I have been making children's clothing since my retirement so enjoy working with colour and making outfits for little ones. It gives me great joy!

I make girls dresses ages 12 months to 8 years - overalls for infants ages 3 months to 18 months hats to match dresses and overalls reversible jackets ages 1-2 and 2-4, and cloth books

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Muffin Mouse Creations, Artfest Ontario, Children, Children's Clothing, Back to School, Jumpers, Girls dresses, handmade, local, cotton, playful, dress, affordable

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